How to unify the stud. work: deception of antiplagiarism

How to unify the stud. work: deception of antiplagiarism

Students sit for hours at the monitors, but, despite the availability of turns and synonyms, it is not possible to make the text unique by at least 70%. And anti-plagiarism programs are getting smarter every year, and getting around them is more difficult.


Uniqueness of student work


There are several proven ways to cheat anti-plagiarism programs:

  • Completely redesign the text of the document. Leave in the original form can only quote or some definitions, the rest of the text completely needs to be rewritten. To rephrase sentences, the basic thoughts to state in own words. In general, we get a full text from ourselves. This requires in-depth analysis and regular check-ups in anti-plagiarism programs in order to understand which direction to go next. Unfortunately, this method has one big disadvantage - a temporary cost, since it will not be possible to completely rewrite the text in one day and will have to sweat fairly.
  • Superficial rewriting of the text, the use of synonyms. It differs from the previous method only in that synonyms are used to replace words, and not completely copied text. Easy such a method, too, can not be called, since anti-plagiarism programs have learned to calculate the rewrite, so the selection of synonyms becomes a painstaking task. For best results, you can combine the first and second methods. This method is effective, but long.
  • Use of non-indexable materials. To write an essay or a course, you can use not only materials that search engines give out on request, but also dissertations, translations of books and articles on a given topic, etc. And of course, it is better to use more than one source, and a few, then it will be easier to make the text readable and unified.
  • Do not use old methods, such as replacing Russian or Ukrainian letters with English. Do not also add introductory words, they are not always relevant in scientific work. Therefore, the remnants of the past, it is better to leave in the past and not to waste time on them.
  • Automatic hyphenation. Indeed, in a Word document, you can configure automatic migration and if you fill in the text in this form in the antiplogy program, some words will be perceived as unique. But there is a minus of this method - the percentage of uniqueness grows to a maximum of 7%, whether there is any sense in this method to be decided only by you.
  • Translation from a foreign language. You can search for materials for your work in English, translate and correct. Thus, the text will be unique. But you need to carefully select the material so that it does not turn out that the original is actually in Russian or Ukrainian.
  • You can refer to qualified professionals who completely write the text from scratch or, for example, correct the text you wrote. Accordingly, the price for services will be different. But this option, too, should not be put off in the box.

Every year the anti-plagiarism system becomes smarter and those methods that worked earlier unfortunately do not work today.
But, nevertheless, new methods and ways to circumvent the anti-plagiarism are emerging, and it's up to you to decide which way to use it!

2017-09-22 12:53:08