User agreement


The site "vbaze" (hereinafter referred to as the "Site") provides the interaction of the "Customer" and the "Author" with the purpose of purchasing, selling written works, and ordering and performing various types of work (courseware, articles, Text, diploma, problem solving, etc.).

This agreement is a public offer, in accordance with the current legislation has the appropriate legal force, regulates the relationship with the use of the site - "inbase".

The following information is an official offer (public offering) to any legal entity or individual for use on the site. This user agreement is public, that is, its terms are the same for all consumers.

A public offer is also accepted when the "Customer" or "Author" is registered on the Site.

"User" means a person who has been registered on the Site and who certainly accepts the terms of this user agreement.

"Company" - the owner of the site, providing the maintenance of the Site and the support of Users, and compliance with this user agreement.

"Author" means any person registered on the site for the purpose of posting or performing written works.

"Customer" means any person registered on the site for the purpose of placing or placing an order for the execution of written works.

"Work" is the result of the User's intellectual work, provided or published in the form of an electronic document on the Site.

"Administration" means the management of the company that maintains and updates the Site, observing the User's compliance with the terms of this user agreement.

"Moderator" means an individual authorized by the Administration who moderates the Accounts, settles disputes between Users, and observes the implementation of this user agreement.

"Account" means the User account.

"Login" is the name of the User under which it is registered and visible to other Users of the Site.


1. Rights and obligations of the user.

1.1. The connection between "Client" and "Author" is possible only on the site "in-site". The Client and the Author are obliged not to publish or transfer their contact data to other users of the site. It is forbidden to exchange contact information (E-mail, skype, icq, telephone numbers, links to social networking pages and other communications that contain personal information about the user). If a user is found to transfer contact data, a fine is charged. For further data transfer, the Site Administration blocks a user account.

1.2. When filling out information about yourself, the user must indicate only reliable information.

1.3. The User does not have the right to publish or distribute information that contains obscene language, images aimed at advocating war, violating the copyright of third parties, as well as other information for the distribution of which provides for criminal or administrative liability in accordance with applicable law.

1.4. The author, after accepting the order for implementation, undertakes to perform all actions agreed with the customer within the specified time limits and to provide work in accordance with the task formulated by the customer.

1.5. When checking the submitted work by the author and in the case of comments in accordance with the customer's request, the author undertakes to make improvements within the scope of the assignment, without additional payment.

1.5.1. The author undertakes to make free corrections within three days. The author makes corrections according to the task or the approved plan of work of the customer within 14 for all types of works, except for theses, master's, dissertations, bachelor's, master's theses which the author undertakes to finalize within 21 days after sending the finished work.

1.6. The author has the right to receive remuneration for the performance of work, according to the Customer's order.

1.7. The Customer undertakes to pay remuneration to the Author for the performance of the work, in accordance with the Customer's order.

1.8. The customer has the right to write comments according to the assignment or the approved work plan, the author makes corrections without additional payment within 14 days for all types of works, except for theses, master's, dissertations, bachelor's, master's theses which the author undertakes to finalize within 21 days after sending the finished Work.

1.9. Users have the right to apply to the Moderator to resolve a controversial situation related to the fulfillment of the customer's task.

1.9.1. The decision of a disputable situation is accepted within 5 days.

1.10. "Company" undertakes to maintain the confidentiality of personal data of users.

1.11. In case of violation of this agreement, "Company" has the right to completely or temporarily block access to the offender to the "Account", as well as apply penalties for the ordered work, during which the violation was committed.


1.12. "Company" has the right to make any changes and additions to this user agreement unilaterally. Changes come into effect only with the notification of the parties, "the company" notifies the parties by posting a new agreement on the "Site".

1.13. "Company" has the right to suspend cooperation with the author unilaterally in those cases when:

The author at performance of works supposes plagiarism or a raising of originality of work by a technical way;

When executing an order, it regularly sends work after the agreed terms with the customer;

Does not correct comments in accordance with the requirements of the "Customer" or "Moderator";

The author himself refuses to cooperate;

The author refuses to contact;

The author did not visit his account for more than 4 months.

The systematic violation of these items, as well as the performance of works that do not meet the requirements of the customer or the use of ready-made works in the public domain, authorizes the Administration to block the author's account.

1.14. The work performed by the author is the property of the customer. The customer is obliged to pay the full cost of the work.

2. Responsibility of the parties

2.1. The Customer and the Author bear full responsibility for their actions on the "Site", for the safety of their login and password.

2.2. "Company" is responsible to users only in the amount of funds contributed by them to the account of the "Site".

2.3. In case of a disputable situation and the user's request to the Site Administration or the "Moderator", the parties undertake to agree with the decision taken by the Site Administration or the "Moderator". The decision made by the Administration of the Site or the "Moderator" is not subject to further appeal or consideration.

2.4. The site is not responsible for the information posted by users, for the time and quality of work performed, for non-observance of the copyright of third parties and any other actions performed by Users on the Site.

3. Placing of finished works

3.1. The works uploaded by users to the "Place work" section are their property

3.2. Before placing the ready work for sale, the moderator checks it for compliance with the requirements that the owner specified in the work, as well as on the technical uplift of originality.

3.2.1. In the event that the moderator has found out that he has shortcomings in his work, he sends it for correction to the owner and indicates what needs to be worked out for the successful placement of the work for sale.


3.2.2. The moderator checks work on:

% Originality of the text;

Technical enhancement of the originality of the text;

Compliance of this information with the owner of the work in the description.

3.2.3. The owner of the work indicates the cost of the work.

3.3. At the request of the owner, the work can be deleted at any time.

3.4. "Author" is obliged after posting on the "Site", place for sale at least 3 works.

3.5. "Author" after receiving payment for the work that he performed for the customer on the "Site", is not entitled to the placement of this work for sale.

3.6. "Customer" after receiving the finished work from the author and its payment, has the right to place this work for sale.

3.7. The user is responsible for the work being posted and for non-observance of copyright by third parties.

3.8. The site is not responsible for the posted work by Users.

4. Rights, obligations and responsibility of the "Customer"

4.1. "Customer" when registering on the "Site" agrees with this user agreement.

4.2. The "customer" guarantees the payment of the executed task by the author, the customer contributes 100% of the payment for the order value before the beginning of the task execution by the author and reserves (stores) funds throughout the period of the task execution by the author, and after receiving the finished work within 14 days for all types of work , Except for theses, master's, dissertations, bachelor's, master's theses for which within 21 days after sending the finished work. After 14 days have elapsed for all types of work, except for theses, master's, dissertations, bachelor's, master's theses for which 21 days after the customer receives the finished work, the funds are automatically received by the author on his account. The customer has the right to confirm the transfer of funds to the author's account at any time after receiving the finished work. Until the customer confirms the transfer of funds to the author's account, they remain on his account in the "Site" system, automatically the funds are credited to the author's account only after 14 days for all types of work, except for diplomas, masters, dissertations, bachelor's, Master's theses for which 21 days after sending the finished work to the customer.

3.2. Before placing the ready work for sale, the moderator checks it for compliance with the requirements that the owner specified in the work, as well as on the technical uplift of originality.

3.2.1. In the event that the moderator has found out that he has shortcomings in his work, he sends it for correction to the owner and indicates what needs to be worked out for the successful placement of the work for sale.

3.2.2. The moderator checks work on:

% Originality of the text;

Technical enhancement of the originality of the text;

Compliance of this information with the owner of the work in the description.

3.2.3. The owner of the work indicates the cost of the work.

3.3. At the request of the owner, the work can be deleted at any time.

3.4. "Author" is obliged after posting on the "Site", place for sale at least 3 works.

3.5. "Author" after receiving payment for the work that he performed for the customer on the "Site", is not entitled to the placement of this work for sale.

3.6. "Customer" after receiving the finished work from the author and its payment, has the right to place this work for sale.

3.7. The user is responsible for the work being posted and for non-observance of copyright by third parties.

3.8. The site is not responsible for the posted work by Users.

4. Rights, obligations and responsibility of the "Customer"

4.1. "Customer" when registering on the "Site" agrees with this user agreement.

4.2. The "customer" guarantees the payment of the executed task by the author, the customer contributes 100% of the payment for the order value before the beginning of the task execution by the author and reserves (stores) funds throughout the period of the task execution by the author, and after receiving the finished work within 14 days for all types of work , Except for theses, master's, dissertations, bachelor's, master's theses for which within 21 days after sending the finished work. After 14 days have elapsed for all types of work, except for theses, master's, dissertations, bachelor's, master's theses for which 21 days after the customer receives the finished work, the funds are automatically received by the author on his account. The customer has the right to confirm the transfer of funds to the author's account at any time after receiving the finished work. Until the customer confirms the transfer of funds to the author's account, they remain on his account in the "Site" system, automatically the funds are credited to the author's account only after 14 days for all types of work, except for diplomas, masters, dissertations, bachelor's, Master's theses for which 21 days after sending the finished work to the customer.

4.3. The customer has the right to send the work for revision to the author.

4.3.1. The customer has the right to indicate remarks on the work according to his task or the approved plan within 14 days for all types of work, with the exception of theses, master's, dissertations, bachelor's, master's theses for which within 21 days from the receipt of the finished work. The author is obliged to make corrections according to the task without additional payment within 14 days for all types of work, except for theses, master's, dissertations, bachelor's, master's theses which the author undertakes to finalize within 21 days from the moment of sending the finished work.

4.3.2. In case the customer wrote comments on the work after 14 days for all types of work, except for theses, master's, dissertations, bachelor's, master's theses for which after 21 days from the receipt of the finished work, the author is not obliged to make edits without additional payment.

4.4. The customer has the right to demand the return of funds paid for the order,Refunds are sent to the customer on a personal balance in the system:

4.4.1. Full refund of funds to the personal balance in the system: it is possible in such cases:

The contractor did not send the finished work.

The work was done by the author, does not correspond to the topic of the order.

4.4.2. The customer is obliged to explain and give concrete examples when preparing a request for a refund of funds.


4.4.3. Partial refund of money to the customer is possible in cases when the performer sent a ready work, after which he did not correct the remarks in the work. The customer must specify what part of the work the author has not performed, or what% of the work needs to be corrected.

4.4.4. The customer is obliged to send the work for revision before submitting the request. If the customer did not send the work for revision to the author, the Administration of the site will refuse to request a refund.

4.5. The customer has the right to place ready work for sale after it is paid to the author, as well as place other works by the owner of the customer.

4.6. The customer has the right to become a member of the partner program.

4.7. The customer from the personal balance in the system does not have the right to return the funds to his account.

5. Rights, duties and responsibility of the "Author"

5.1. The author has the right to accept orders for execution, place finished works for sale.

5.1.1. The author does not have the right to post ready works or parts of works for sale, for which he has already received a fee, as well as works that he accepted for execution with further receiving of the fee.

5.2. Make suggestions and recommendations on the work of the "Site".

5.3. The author starts to execute the order only after the customer has paid 100% of the order cost.

5.3.1. Payment for the executed order to the author comes after the customer has checked the work and confirmed its successful completion or 14 days for all types of work, except for theses, master's, dissertations, bachelor's, master's theses for which automatically after 21 days after the author Sent the finished work to the customer.

5.3.2. The payment for the executed order arrives on the personal balance (account) of the author, if the author has executed the order according to all requirements and in the specified term.

5.4. The author is not allowed to transfer contact information to the customer.

5.4.1. If you see transfer of contact data - fine. If there is a repeated transfer of contact data - a fine. When 3 attempts were made to transfer contact information, the user is blocked without the possibility of withdrawal and restoration of his account.

5.5. The author is obliged to inform the customer about the progress of the fulfillment of the order during the whole term of implementation. At the initiative of the author, the need or request of the customer to send parts of the work to view in the process of performing the work. Inform the customer about the readiness of the work in the specified time.

5.5.1. All comments on the work, the author is obliged to make in the very minimum terms, but not later than 3 days after receiving comments on the work. Comments on the work of the author can make more than 3 days by mutual agreement with the customer.

5.6. Commission "Site" from 20 to 30% of the cost of the order. Withdrawal of funds from personal balance (account) takes place within 3 working days from the moment of registration of the application.

5.7. After the Author has sent the completed work to the customer, he transfers the copyright to the customer and has no right to use this work, and also place it for sale.

5.8. For non-compliance with the user agreement, the Site Administration reserves the right to block the account with the possibility of withdrawal of funds, in case there were gross violations of the user agreement, funds from the user's balance are paid in part to the discretion of the Site Administration.

5.8.1. The administration of the site is obliged to indicate the reason for blocking the account, the application of penalties, partial payment of funds, depending on the violation of this agreement by the user.

5.9. In the event of disputes, the author has the right to apply to the Moderator to resolve all conflict situations.

5.9.1. In some cases, the Site Administration may involve independent experts to assess the quality of the work performed by the author.

5.9.2. At the moment of resolving disputable situations, payments are suspended.

5.10. The author is obliged to fulfill the order in accordance with the requirements specified by the customer.

5.10.1. The author is prohibited to use ready-made materials from Internet portals, as well as sites with ready-made course, abstracts, diploma and other student works. Such structural elements of the work as the introduction and conclusion should always be original and it is prohibited to use a ready-made version that can be detected when checking the work for originality.

5.10.2. The author is obliged to indicate reliable sources when performing work (order). 

5.10.3. The author is obliged to register the work in accordance with all the rules of registration.

5.10.4. The author is prohibited to use the means of technical raising the originality of the work.

5.10.5. The author performs the work in accordance with the requirements specified by the customer when placing the order, the methodological manual that the customer attached or the standard requirements for the execution of works.

5.10.6  The expert is obliged to perform work on originality from 40% for sale and 50% for order.

5.11. Payment for the order is possible only through the "Site" "vbaze"

5.12. The author has the right to be a member of the Partner Program.

Compliance with the agreement is a prerequisite for using the site "vbaze"


Work on the Site is a confirmation of agreement with this user agreement.

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