When sending a file with the completed work, the author must to maintain the standard rules for execution of the completed work, if other rules of execution are undefined in the issued order.
The percentage of uniqueness of the text should be at least 40% when checking the file with the finished work in the ETXT program.
The amount of work depends on the type of work.
Recommended volume:
1) Master's work - (100-110 p.)
2) Thesis work - (80-100 p.)
3) Bachelor's degree - (45-60 p.)
4) Course - (25-35 p.)
5) Abstract - (10-15p.)
6) Essays - (3-4 p.)
7) Article - (3-5 p.)
The title page is executed individually for each order.
Execution of the text of the work:
- print14 Times New Roman (TNR) (except for footnotes);
- footnotes 10 print, TNR, in the footnotes indicate the pages used, the footnotes are aligned to the width;
- Introduction - with a volume of 2 pages, indicate the relevance, subject, object, tasks;
- Section and sub-point, start with a new page;
- Indents - in the first line - 1.25 cm;
- From the title of the section to the title of the subsection, there should be an indent in one line;
- Interval - interline, 1,5 lines;
- Conclusion on 2 pages;
- fields:
A) the upper 2 cm;
B) the left 2.5 cm;
C) the lower 2 cm;
D) right 1 cm;
- content:
1) there are no paragraphs;
2) indents from one section to another and from content to section, from section to conclusion, there are no indentations between subsections;
3) after the names of sections, subsections, introduction, conclusion, list of sources used and others - points are placed before the end of the line where the page number is written on which the given name is located, the page numbering in the content is set at the end of the work completion;
- pagination:
A) to the right;
B) at the top of the page;
C) the beginning of the numbering from the second page, the first page is left for the title page.
- Content, introduction, conclusion and list of sources used - all letters are large and aligned in the center, 14 font, TNR;
Structure of work:
- Introduction;
- The main part of the work (the text of the work, which consists of Sections and sub-paragraphs);
- Conclusion;
- Recommendations;
- List of sources used;
- Applications.
References (footnotes) in the text to sources and literature.
References in the text to sources and literature can be performed in one of the following ways:
Method one - making references to the end of the work. Then the text indicates the ordinal number of the work or sources referred to, for which they are listed in the list of used literature at the end of the work.
For example:
Quotation in the text: "In October 1859. In Kiev, the first Sunday school was opened on the initiative of students of the University of St. Vladimir, which was supported by the trustee of the Kiev academic district NI Pirogov and Professor PV Pavlov "[2, p. 73], where - 2 - the serial number of the work in the list of references to which reference is made; And 73 - the page of this work, with which a quotation is given.
The second way is to provide links to the source or work in the footnotes at the bottom of each page of the text, with the reference number of the link.
For example:
Quotation in the text: "In October 1859. In Kiev, the first Sunday school was opened on the initiative of students of the University of St. Vladimir, which was supported by the trustee of the Kiev academic district NI Pirogov and Professor PV Pavlov. "1
The corresponding footnote view at the bottom of the text page.
All tables, illustrations, etc., contained in the annexes, should also contain corresponding references in the text of the work.
Registration of the list of used sources:
- In alphabet order.
- specify only sources for which there are references (footnotes) in the text of the work;
- font 14 TNR;
- make automatic numbering of sources.
In the applications, materials are placed that are necessary for the completeness of the completed task, but placement to the main part of the work performed can change the logical view of the study.
- Additional illustrations or tables can be added to the application.
- Application numbering - APPENDIX A; APPENDICES B, etc ..